(ENVIRONMENTAL) RACISM: How Biden's environmental justice plan could backfire (E&E $), Minneapolis police chief says Chauvin violated policy (NewsOne), former cop arrested for storming capitol was once named 'officer of the year' after falsely accusing Black man of murder (The Root)
VOTER SUPPRESSION: Bernice King weighs in on Georgia boycotts amid controversial voting law (The Grio), corporations gave over $50M to voting restriction backers (AP), GOP sharpens criticism of corporate pushback on GOP voting laws (Wall Street Journal $)
MEDIA: Inside a stealth ‘persuasion machine’ promising Republican victories in 2022 (Washington Post $), [Dakota Access] pipeline company issues broad subpoena to news site that covered protests against it (The Intercept)
CORONAVIRUS: Tracking how the world’s ‘green recovery’ plans aim to cut emissions (Carbon Brief)
IMPACTS' IMPACTS: Former Obama official on the surge at the border: 'this is a refugee crisis' (NPR)
FLORIDA: The crisis at a Florida wastewater reservoir show the risks of our weak infrastructure (Earther), possible second breach at Florida reservoir is investigated and ruled out (New York Times $)
ICMYI: Here’s all the climate science you missed so far this year (Bloomberg $)
OFFSETS: A top U.S. seller of carbon offsets [The Nature Conservancy] starts investigating its own projects (Bloomberg $)
AGENCIES: DOE begins 'repairing damage' done by Trump to energy efficiency program, say advocates (Utility Dive), DOE labs unveil blueprint for fast EV charging (E&E $), EPA chief highlights water improvement provisions in infrastructure bill (The Hill), meet [EPA] chief of staff Dan Utech (E&E $)
LAWSUITS: Appeals court agrees to pause lawsuit over Trump-era [car] emissions rule (The Hill, E&E $), court tosses Trump's surprise climate threshold rule (Politico Pro $, The Hill), court vacates Trump-era landfill methane deadline rule (Politico Pro $), US state officials urge Garland to reverse Trump positions on climate deception cases (Reuters), lawsuit foreshadows feud over Biden's social cost of carbon (E&E $)
THE HILL: Democrats can use unprecedented move for an extra filibuster-proof bill, Schumer aide says (Politico Pro $), for Republicans, pipes are infrastructure only if they carry oil (HuffPost), progressives, moderates push back on Biden plan (E&E $), Senate Democrats release international tax framework as lawmakers start to tweak Biden's plan (Politico Pro $)
JOE MANCHIN: Citing his ‘leverage,’ Manchin says White House tax plan must change (Washington Post $)
WHITE HOUSE: [White House] budget proposal coming soon (E&E $)
AMERICAN JOBS PLAN: “You need water to live”: Pete Buttigieg explains infrastructure to Republicans (Mother Jones), Biden clean electricity standard faces high hurdles (The Hill), Biden wants to tackle warming with a long shopping list (E&E $), the wage gap that threatens Biden's climate plan (Politico), Yellen calls for a global minimum corporate tax rate. (New York Times $), fossil fuels get too many government handouts. Biden wants to cut them off. (Vox)
CLIMATE DIPLOMACY: U.S., UAE pledge joint effort to finance decarbonisation (Reuters), John kerry to push India on net zero target ahead of global meet (Bloomberg $)
CITIES AND STATES: Louisville's super-polluting chemical plant emits not one, but two potent greenhouse gases (InsideClimate News)
CALIFORNIA: How California stands to benefit from the $2.2 trillion infrastructure proposal (New York Times $)
TEXAS: As Texas freeze gas bills come due, cue up the lawsuits (Wall Street Journal $), when the power went out, Texas oil and gas regulators rushed to defend the industry’s image (Texas Tribune)
FERC: FERC names enviro lawyer, ex-Manchin aide to top roles (Reuters, E&E $)
IMPACTS: [California] megadrought: 'Climate change starting to hammer home' (E&E $), Hawaii study offers design changes to fight climate change (AP)
WILDFIRES: Projected surge of lightning spells more wildfire trouble for the arctic (InsideClimate News), wildfire in Theodore Roosevelt National Park triples in size (AP), Wisconsin governor declares emergency because of wildfires (AP)
ALLERGY SEASON: Achoo! Climate change boosts pollen, worsens allergies (E&E $)
RENEWABLES: Weekly data: renewables overtake nuclear in global electricity mix (Energy Monitor)
EFFICIENCY: Minneapolis program puts energy audits into hands of potential homebuyers (Energy News Network)
OIL & GAS: Tipping point for Big Oil? Shareholders ramp up climate push (E&E $)
PIPELINES: ‘An unstoppable force’: Memphis gears up to stop a proposed oil pipeline (Atmos), Police ask Enbridge to pay for 7,500 hours of pipeline patrol (Heated)
COAL: More U.S. coal power retired under Trump than in Obama's second term (Earther)
GRID: Biden’s grid proposal may be a square peg in a round hole (Wall Street Journal $)
EVs: Biden proposal to add EV charging stations faces bumpy road (Wall Street Journal $), Tesla delivers another record in Q1/2021 (Electrive)
AIR CONDITIONING: Cooling industry lags in fight against warming — report (E&E $)
TRAINS: Amtrak’s long-range plan would add new routes across South (AP)
ACTIVISM: Extinction Rebellion to step up campaign against banking system (The Guardian), with stories and puppets, environmentalist battles to save Indonesia's mangroves (Reuters)
CARBON CAPTURE: 12 factors will make or break CCS projects — study (E&E $)
WILDLIFE: Algal blooms target sea otter hearts (Environmental Health News), climate change shrinks marine life richness near equator: study (Reuters)
GOOD NEWS: Arkansas governor vetoes ban on gender-affirming medical care for youth (The 19th* News, Advocate)