The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Snowpack is off to a poor start in the West, bad news amid widespread drought

Only above-average precipitation in the coming months would restore the snowpack to normal levels, which isn’t likely

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December 7, 2021 at 2:13 p.m. EST
A lack of early season snow leaves mountain peaks in Clear Creek County, Colo., exposed on Dec 3. (Jason Connolly/AFP/Getty Images)

December marks the start of meteorological winter — when temperatures plunge, heavy coats are in fashion and kids begin picking their teams for snowball fights.

But the snow season usually starts in October in the Rocky Mountains. By the end of November, snow depth on the Cascades, Sierra Nevada, and eastward to the interior Rockies typically ranges from 2 inches at lower elevations to over 20 inches on the highest elevations.